About Our Farm
The work that goes into our flower farm is extraordinary. It is completely a family affair. Joy had the idea of reinventing the farm and spurred the journey towards flowers as a crop. Walter has farmed this land his whole life and says his happiest days were spent on a tractor. Katie tagged along with an innate love of flowers and nature, a passion for art & design, and so the dream was realized.
Our farm has been in the family since 1880. A few fruit trees still exist from the once bountiful orchard. The log farmhouse has been converted to a studio, and although this land and its buildings are aging, many remnants of the past exist. The original plot of land is 60 acres. The backstory is that a Civil War widow was deeded the property by the State of Michigan in lieu of the loss of her husband. She sold the parcel of land to the Reinhardts (which makes sense because she didn’t have a husband) and that is how the farm came to be.
A working farm this size is small by today’s agricultural standards. For more than 100 years the land was sown with corn, dry beans and hay until harvest equipment replacement costs made the struggle far too real. The desire to find a small scale crop that didn’t require large machinery nudged us in the direction of flower farming.
So for 15 years flowers have been our main crop. Each season there are well over 100 different types of flowers growing. We are always testing and experimenting new varieties because we have developed a passion for the old fashioned and obsolete, the unusual and wild. For us, the average garden varieties become boring after a while and we crave what is challenging to grow and impossible to predict. Flowers that are unapologetic and imperfect help to define our floral designs.